Wired That Way Personality Profile Pdf Merge
Beth Jones, International Speaker I first learned about the four types of personality when I attended writers’ and speakers’ professional training several years ago in Saint Louis, MO. It helped me to finally understand why I act the way I do sometimes – and the way my family and others do sometimes, too! (Personalities can conflict!) Florence wrote a book on the four types of personality called Personality Plus, which is the culmination of 25 years of hers and her now-deceased husband Fred’s seminar speaking, personality counseling, and day by day observation of people’s temperaments.
The book helps you to understand your – and others’ – unique, one-of-a-kind personality that God gave you. The stories in it are hilarious and straight-forward, and will help you to improve your personality strengths and correct your personality weaknesses. Fable 3 Dlc Download. Below is the Personality Profile Test found in Florence’s book Personality Plus for you to discover what your personality is. To learn more about the personalities in depth, I recommend Personality Plus or Wired That Way by Florence’s daughter, Marita Littauer.