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Renato Carosone Made In Italy Rapidshare Downloader

Renato Carosone Made In Italy Rapidshare Downloader Rating: 7,8/10 9594votes

Renato Carosone was born in Naples on January 3, 1920. He is know as the symbol of the?canzone napoletana? In the whole world.

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He made the whole world sing, dance, have fun, dream, fall in love with his innate good humor and his music. Including China. A fantastic and passionate Naples characterized his youth. A Naples full of laughs and poetry ruled by irony and comedy, where everything is between the dream world and reality. A fantastic and passionate Naples characterized his youth.

A Naples full of laughs and poetry ruled by irony and comedy, where everything is between the dream world and reality. Upon visiting Italy, Goethe once said?Naples is a place where everyone lives in an exhilarating oblivion. Carosone doesn't hesitate to show his genuine passion for music and in particular his love for the piano.

With several sacrifices, his parents indulge him in his passion and they have him study with real?maestri? Such as Vincenzo Romaniello, Celeste Capuana and Alberto Curci.

When his mother dies prematurely, Renato (the eldest of 3) helps his father run the household, by doing all kinds of odd jobs. He forms the first Carosone?trio? With his brother and sister. His relatives, neighbors and peers are very enthusiastic. As the years go by Renato who at this time is a seventeen-year-old, goes to Africa with an artistic Company of performers as a pianist and an orchestra director. When the African tour concludes its stay, they all return to Italy, all except Carosone who remains in Africa with the Addis Abeba orchestra.

In 1937, Carosone has several musical experiences. These experiences show him new ways of making music. Izotope Alloy 2 Keygen Download Crack. During the Second World War, Carosone is drafted and sent on the British? Somalia front. The following year, Carosone takes his place behind the piano, with Jazz, but this time in an English club. He will later direct small and big orchestras for nightclubs, variety shows, operettas and real orchestra concerts. In 1946 at the age of 26, Carosone returns to Italy from Somalia on one of the first ships.

His success in the ex-colony doesn't help him much, since he is completely unknown in Italy. He has to start from scratch. The magical moment happened after several record contracts and small ballroom orchestras. In 1949, he was personally asked to form a?trio? In order to inaugurate a new nightclub in Naples. He befriends a Dutch man by the name of Van Wood and takes him on as a guitar player and singer at three in the morning. All that was missing was the third man, the meeting takes place with the owner of the nightclub who asked Renato to form the trio.